Monday, September 30, 2013

Google's New algorithm "Hummingbird" For Web Sites

By on 12:45 PM


Hummingbird is the largest of the Google algorithm 12 years ago

Why was the name "Hummingbird" This algorithm?

Google, according to sources, that the label came because this bird "fast and accurate."

When Google began working on the Hummingbird:

The Google has enabled this algorithm almost a month ago, Google has announced this update on: 09/26/2013

Are Google has stopped work on the algorithm "PR":

In short, the order of pages in other words, PR is one of the most important 200 workers involved in "combination" algorithm, a hummingbird seen in the order of pages in depth to look for links coming to your site and how important it is to be judged in the order on the basis of which, of course, we should not forget that the rest of the factors that would also make a difference in the search order. You can preview the table of SEO factors influencing the search.


What does it mean to use Hummingbird algorithm of Google now:

Suppose you own a car in 1980, the car engine still works well but with the frequent use of the commencement of this engine run Oil and began some of the problems appear, so I bring a new engine and put it in the car to operate more efficiently, this is what was done by Google in this update has Climate research machine and also did so in a cursory manner without to feel a change.

Some miscellaneous new algorithm:

For now may remain there are some who wonder about the nature of the update did not understand the intent of behind Let me explain to you the most, when you ask updates panda, penguin was a filters search engines The new algorithm is an engine full but the old pieces any algorithm pandas and penguins and others are still working and will not stop work out, but the way they operate has become easier and more supple than ever before with a faster processor of the data that the these algorithms liquidation.

Do you think that a hummingbird would have a significant impact on your site's rank in search results? For better or for worse? Please let us know what you think in the comments.

About Mohammed SAWALHI

Mohammed is a 26 year old who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is SEO Expert and a Website Develpoer.


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